Google grown phenomenally last few years; I don't know how many people know how Google make money? Google's drive revenue through advertising and licensing; Advertising alone contributes approximately more than 95% of company's annual revenue. Remaining less than 5% revenue comes from licensing & others. Advertising revenues includes from Google Web Sites and Google Network Web Sites.
Most of them not aware that Google buries your privacy in this revenue and it also make money out of it. Google develop every products to accelerate their revenue stream as every other company does. As a layperson, we need to be aware that using every Google product & services is giving an opportunity for them to make money by killing our own privacy. How many of us knew that by using Google Chrome/ GMail / Blog, we are giving extra mileage to share our data with advertisers? Google will now have total control over our web experience from the time we open Chrome to time we shut down.
Looking at this I feel Microsoft is far better by selling proprietary software at higher cost and least bother to intervene in our privacy. I don't think we need to give up our privacy in the name of collaboration.
Guys, be aware of it!

- Google AdWords is an automated online program that enables advertisers to place targeted text-based and display ads on Google web sites and Google Network web sites.
- Google AdSense refers to the online programs through which they distribute advertisers' AdWords ads for display on the web sites of Google Network as well as programs to deliver ads on television.
- AdSense for search is their online service for distributing relevant ads from advertisers for display with search results on their Google Network web sites.
- AdSense for content is their online service for distributing ads from advertisers that are relevant to content on our Google Network web sites.
Most of them not aware that Google buries your privacy in this revenue and it also make money out of it. Google develop every products to accelerate their revenue stream as every other company does. As a layperson, we need to be aware that using every Google product & services is giving an opportunity for them to make money by killing our own privacy. How many of us knew that by using Google Chrome/ GMail / Blog, we are giving extra mileage to share our data with advertisers? Google will now have total control over our web experience from the time we open Chrome to time we shut down.
Looking at this I feel Microsoft is far better by selling proprietary software at higher cost and least bother to intervene in our privacy. I don't think we need to give up our privacy in the name of collaboration.
Guys, be aware of it!